The 2024/2025 Shepherd Sports Annual Edition in hard copy version will be mailed by request only. The digital version will be available to all members through the GSSCC website. To have the magazine mailed, please complete this request form no later than March 7th.
L'édition annuelle 2024/2025 de Shepherd Sports en version papier sera envoyée uniquement sur demande. La version numérique sera accessible à tous les membres via le site web du GSSCC. Pour recevoir le magazine en version papier, veuillez compléter ce formulaire de demande avant le 7 mars.
2024/2025 Annual Shepherd Sports Mail Out
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Over the last several months there has been some positive changes and updates to the world-wide breed harmonization regulations. The biggest and most important of all is the new philosophy “Think Globally, Act Locally.”
This allows individual country organizations to create their own breed regulations within WUSV regulations.
While judging at the COAPA Championships, I spoke with the SV President and SV Breed Warden regarding this and other items. I can report that from my conversations the following:
- I explained how big Canada is regarding the A.I ban and how it will create breed extinction in Canada. This is being discussed with the committee and I believe and hope the ban on A.I will be lifted for some countries.
- The ban on breeding long coat and stock coat will not be lifted.
- Character test (WB) will not be cancelled and in fact is becoming more important. Will be mandatory in 2028.
- Country organizations can create, implement and execute their own type of character test to be used for WUSV approved breed surveys (not S.V surveys).
- Country organizations can store DNA where they choose.
- The GSSCC offers two types of breed surveys:
1. SV breed survey
2. GSSCC (WUSV) breed survey.
The processes for each as follows:
1. For S.V. breed surveys - The dog will need a WB from an SV judge, SV - A stamp for HD and ED, no A.D required, minimum G - rating in a breed show from an SV judge and minimum IGP 1 from a WUSV judge.
2. For GSSCC breed surveys – The dog will need a character assessment evaluation from GSSCC (WUSV) judge (required in 2028), GSSCC - C stamp for HD and ED, A.D required, minimum G - rating from a GSSCC (WUSV) breed judge and a minimum IGP 1 from a WUSV judge.
The GSSCC is in excellent position for the 2028 breed harmonization deadline. We need to have another judge trained to evaluate the WB exercises. I have created the character assessment exercises which has received initial approval from the GSSCC Board of Directors. The plan is to have all GSSCC judges trained in GSSCC Character Assessment evaluations late 2025 into 2026.
Once that is completed the GSSCC will meet all requirements for the World-Wide harmonization program.
- Overall, breed events in the GSSCC have almost doubled since last year.
- Breed surveys have increased dramatically from 16 in 2023 to 51 in 2024.
- WB’s from a non-existent 0 in 2023 to 15 in 2024.
- Overall entries for all classes in the show are up slightly from 242 in 2023 to 254 in 2024.
In summary, GSSCC Breed events are extremely important for the:
- Breed
- Organization
- Breeders
- Handlers (to compete at higher levels)
And in closing with 360 it is so much easier to enter and so very important for our breed.
So, see you inside the ring. Darin
Darin M. Clarke
GSSCC Breed Warden
GSSCC Breed Judge # 1
Au cours des derniers mois, il y a eu des changements et des mises à jour positifs concernant les règlements de l'harmonisation des races à l'échelle mondiale. Le plus grand et le plus important de tous est la nouvelle philosophie « Penser globalement, agir localement ». Cela permet aux organisations de chaque pays de créer leurs propres règlements de race tout en respectant les règlements du WUSV.
Lors de mon jugement aux Championnats COAPA, j'ai discuté de cela et d'autres sujets avec le président de la SV et le Gardien de la race de la SV. Voici ce que je peux rapporter de mes discussions:
- J'ai expliqué à quel point le Canada est grand en ce qui concerne l'interdiction de l'I.A et comment cela pourrait entraîner l'extinction de la race au Canada. Cela est en discussion avec le comité et je crois et espère que l'interdiction de l'I.A sera levée pour certains pays.
- L'interdiction de l'élevage des chiens à poil long et à poil court ne sera pas levée.
- Le test de caractère (WB) ne sera pas annulé et devient en fait de plus en plus important.
- Les organisations nationales peuvent créer, mettre en œuvre et exécuter leur propre type de test de caractère pour être utilisé dans les enquêtes sur les races approuvées par le WUSV (pas les enquêtes de la S.V.)
- Les organisations nationales peuvent stocker l'ADN où elles le souhaitent. Le GSSCC offre deux types d'enquêtes sur la race
1. Enquête sur la race SV
2. Enquête sur la race GSSCC (WUSV)
Les processus pour chaque enquête sont les suivants:
1. Pour les enquêtes sur la race SV s: Le chien aura besoin d'un WB d'un juge SV, d'un sceau SV pour la dysplasie de la hanche (HD) et de la dysplasie du coude (ED), aucune A.D n'est requis, une évaluation minimale de G dans une exposition de race par un juge SV et un minimum de IGP 1 par un juge WUSV.
2. Pour les enquêtes sur la race GSSCC i: Le chien aura besoin d'une évaluation du test de caractère par un juge GSSCC (WUSV), d'un sceau GSSCC pour HD et ED, A.D requis, une évaluation minimale de G par un juge de race GSSCC (WUSV) et un minimum de IGP 1 par un juge WUSV.
Le GSSCC est en excellente position pour respecter le délai d'harmonisation des races de 2028. Nous devons former un autre juge pour évaluer les exercices de WB. J'ai créé les exercices du test de caractère qui ont reçu l'approbation initiale du Conseil d'administration du GSSCC. Le plan est de former tous les juges du GSSCC aux évaluations du test de caractère du GSSCC d'ici la fin 2025 jusqu'en 2026. Une fois cela accompli, le GSSCC répondra à toutes les exigences pour le programme d'harmonisation mondial.
Dans l'ensemble, les événements de race au GSSCC ont presque doublé par rapport à l'année dernière. Les enquêtes de race ont considérablement augmenté, passant de 16 en 2023 à 51 en 2024. Les WB d'un non-existant 0 en 2023 à 15 en 2024. Les inscriptions globales pour toutes les classes lors des expositions sont légèrement en hausse, passant de 242 en 2023 à 254 en 2024.
En résumé, les événements de race du GSSCC sont extrêmement importants pour:
- La race
- L'organisation
- Les éleveursn
- Les manieurs (pour concourir à des niveaux supérieurs)
Et en conclusion, avec 360, il est tellement plus facile de s'inscrire et c'est tellement important pour notre race.
Alors, à bientôt dans le ring. Darin
Darin M. Clarke
GSSCC Breed Warden
GSSCC Breed Judge # 1
Three positions on the GSSCC Board of Directors will become available as of August 2025. Terms will expire for President Jim Chrisp & Directors: Nancy Wong and Sarah Barnes
Information and nomination form
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The GSSCC judges committee is working to update our rulebook with this information and additional criteria for the handlers. Until the 2025 GSSCC IGP Working Dog Trial Rule is released, the attached information details the most significant changes.
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For the 2025 Canadian IGP Championships, the Board of Directors and Judge’s Committee would like to pilot the use of a dual (two Judges) judging system for all three phases of the IGP trial.
The annual IGP Championship awards the Canadian Champion and is the qualifier for WUSV Team Canada. Many international competitions are now using a multi judging system so this would give Canada an opportunity to be a front runner by using a dual judge system for our national competition.
The GSSCC already has a policy to require a Canadian (GSSCC) judge be utilized for at least one phase of the competition so under this dual judge system, the GSSCC judge would judge all three phases.
- Increase exposure for competitors to show under different judges
- Competitors experience multi judge systems in practice for international competitions
- Increase exposure and experience for GSSCC judges
- Reduce event costs as a separate long judge is no longer required
- No additional event costs as both judges are already attending event
Two judges will be used for each phase in the IGP competition.
- One judge must be a GSSCC accredited judge
- One judge will provide the competitor critique
- The judge assigned to provide the critiques for each phase will be determined between the two judges and/or the hosting committee.
- Both judges will individually evaluate and score the competitor
- Before the critique, both judges will confer and add the two individual scores together to obtain the average score
- The average score will be announced during the critique
- The average score will be the final result for the competitor
Review and Outcome
After the 2025 Canadian Championships, the Board of Directors and Judge’s committee will review and assess how the dual judging system worked as well as obtain feedback from competitors, officials and the host committee. If the pilot is deemed a success, a motion for policy change will be presented to the general membership.
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The E-vote results are in and having received the majority of votes, we are pleased to announce Jim Chrisp as the new GSSCC President.
Congratulations Jim and a thank you to Hank Bowden and Farzin Lachini for putting your name forward for the election.
GSSCC Board of Directors

The eVote is now open for the Special Election and will close on September 20th, 2024. The following have been nominated:
- Hank Bowden
- Jim Chrisp
- Farzin Lachini
Bios on each candidate can be read here:
Special Election 2024 - German Shepherd Schutzhund Club of Canada (
If you did not receive a ballot by email please contact Nancy Wong at
» Read lessElectronic recording devices, such as GoPros, phones, etc. will not be allowed on the competitor's person while competing. This has already been posted and will be adhered to by the competitors. The video and photographs taken on field, including tracking, are the property of the GSSCC and organizing committee. The judges and trial manager are aware of this, and rules state the competitor must follow instruction by both. This also applies to practice time on the competition field. Pictures and videos from the stands are of course allowed, as per usual. Anyone found in contravention of this, will be immediately disqualified from the event.
GSSCC Head Judge
Jim Chrisp
Effective immediately, the remainder of the two year term of President David Grant has become available. This term will be in effect from September 2024 to August 2025.
Nominations to be accepted until August 31, 2024 followed by an e-vote ballot.
Information and nomination form
Le mandat de deux ans restant du président David Grant est désormais disponible. Ce mandat sera en vigueur de Septembre 2024 à Août 2025.
Les candidatures seront acceptées jusqu'au 31 Août 2024, suivies d'un vote électronique.
Informations et formulaire de candidature
» Read lessResignation of David Grant – President
I am resigning the above noted positions and the GSSCC membership.
Please allow me to explain. In the past year, I have tried to gain a sense of what needed to be done to maintain or improve this organization. In this I have been unable to succeed. I believe administratively, I am completely out of touch with the up-and-coming new trainers, breeders and competitors. To those that have been around as long or longer than I have, change is not readily accepted or encouraged. I have not been able to figure out what motivates or inspires our membership.
To dispel the rumors circulating, our 2024 Sieger Show is not cancelled, nor will it be cancelled.
We are pleased to announce that Herr Jochen Prall, SV will now be judging both the Sieger Show and Breed Survey.
Sieger Show entries have been extended until August 3rd. Breed Survey and Trial entries will still close on July 31st. Please note that your entry will remain as pending until payment has been received at which time the entry will be shown in the event listing.
More information:
» Read lessEffective immediately Gobei Ramendra has been appointed to the role of National Trial Manager Coordinator.
A huge thank you to Katty Santerre who has been in the role for several years and was responsible for moving the Trial Manager certification to an online process.
» Read lessThe GSSCC Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, August 25th at 8am at the venue Softball City 2201 148 St, Surrey, BC.
» Read lessFor the Director positions, the E vote results are in and Dwyn Tomlinson (incumbent), Katty Santerre and Hank Bowden received the majority votes.
Congratulations to all and a sincere thank you to everyone offering to volunteer for us.
A special thank you to outgoing Directors Peter Haslett and Jean Chrisp who have respectively served 12 and 10 years on the national board of directors.
GSSCC Board of Directors.
The Article Indication Test is now available at GSSCC trials. The requirements are set to three different levels STp 1-2-3 however the STP may be done in any order as it does not need to be done 1-2-3.
In order to take this examination, the dog must be a minimum of 15 months old and has passed a BH/VT.
Full details are available in the GSSCC Trial Rulebook.
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Three positions on the GSSCC Board of Directors will become available as of August 2024. Terms will expire for Peter Haslett, Jean Chrisp, and Dwyn Tomlinson.
Information and nomination form
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To all GSSCC members:
This is an important reminder that we require all members to behave to an appropriate standard consistent with the GSSCC Code of Conduct.
In particular, we remind everyone that our behaviour with our dogs in public will always come under scrutiny. It is critical that the way we interact with our dogs does not place either the sport or the organization in a poor light.
This of course applies to behaviour at any GSSCC event, but also applies to behaviour outside of official events. People will judge our sport and our working breed by how we and our dogs behave. Sometimes we may do things, even inadvertently, that may cause concern to members of the public.
We ask everyone to be particularly attentive to this issue, in order to represent our sport and our breed in the best way.
Yours sincerely, Board of Directors, GSSCC
On behalf of the GSSCC, I am pleased to announce that GSSCC Breed Warden Darin Clarke has been asked and accepted a position on a newly formed WUSV working group. At the last WUSV General Assembly, member countries voted unanimously to create a world wide working group dedicated to establish a harmonized and legally compatible system for the essential services related to the WUSV breeding harmonization program: such as HD and ED diagnosis, DNA, trials, certificates, evaluations and more.
Darin has been asked to be the group leader/coordinator for representative organizations of both North and South American with countries including USA, Brazil, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Argentina and of course Canada.
Thank you Darin for your continued support to the GSSCC and the GSD breed.
Dave Grant
GSSCC President

A nice message from the newly elected SV/ WUSV President – Roswitha Dannenberg.
To: All GSSCC Clubs and Regional Boards
Please take the opportunity to read this letter and disperse it through your clubs and Regional Boards.
In order to raise Funds for the WUSV TEAM CANADA, we are hoping that you will partake in our raffle!
2nd Prize: TWO (2) MEMBERSHIPS
3rd Prize: ONE (1) MEMBERSHIP
Note: All memberships will be one-year single new/renewed memberships and can be transferable.
The cost per ticket is $100.00. Each $100 ticket will give you one chance in the Draw. Winners may only win once per ticket.
Payment may be made by, e-transfer, to (in the comments section mark WUSV 2023 Fundraiser) or cash/cheque to Team Captain Dave Grant at the 2023 National Championship prior to draw night, anticipated to be the 5 Aug 2023. (Winners do not have to be present at the draw)
Clubs/Boards or individuals, may buy more than one ticket, but any winning ticket will not go back into the draw. If you are a multiple purchaser, you would have to rely on your other tickets to win again.
What is the upside for Clubs and Boards?
If you win, you may use any winning membership(s) for your own purposes. You may wish to:
- Have a club or board raffle of your winning membership(s), to raise money,
- Reward a volunteer or valuable member of your club or board,
- Entice an individual to become a new member of your club or board,
- Entice an individual to become a new member of The GSSCC (or renew their membership)
- Gift it to the one of the many people that help your clubs or boards, such as landowners, sponsors etc.
Please disseminate this through your Club or Regional Board and post the attached poster in your Club house, on your website or via email to your members!
À : Tous les clubs et conseils régionaux du GSSCC
Veuillez profiter de l’occasion pour lire cette lettre et la diffuser dans vos clubs et conseils régionaux.
Afin d’amasser des fonds pour l’équipe WUSV CANADA, nous espérons que vous participerez à notre tirage au sort!
1er prix : TROIS (3) ADHÉSIONS
2e prix : DEUX (2) ADHÉSIONS
3e prix : UN (1) ADHÉSION
Remarque : Toutes les adhésions seront des adhésions individuelles d’un an nouvelles/renouvelées et peuvent être transférables.
Le coût par billet est de 100,00 $. Chaque billet de 100 $ vous donnera une chance de participer au tirage. Les gagnants ne peuvent gagner qu’une seule fois par billet.
Le paiement peut être effectué par virement électronique à (dans la section commentaires, marquez WUSV 2023 Fundraiser) ou en espèces / chèque au capitaine de l’équipe Dave Grant au Championnat national 2023 avant la soirée du tirage, prévue pour le 5 août 2023. (Les gagnants n’ont pas à être présents au tirage)
Les clubs/conseils d’administration ou les particuliers peuvent acheter plus d’un billet, mais aucun billet gagnant ne sera réintégré au tirage. Si vous êtes un acheteur multiple, vous devrez compter sur vos autres billets pour gagner à nouveau.
Quel est l’avantage pour les clubs et les conseils d’administration?
Si vous gagnez, vous pouvez utiliser toute adhésion gagnante à vos propres fins. Vous voudrez peut-être :
- Organisez un tirage au sort de votre club ou de votre conseil d’administration de vos membres gagnants, afin de recueillir des fonds,
- Récompenser un bénévole ou un membre précieux de votre club ou de votre conseil d’administration,
- Inciter une personne à devenir un nouveau membre de votre club ou de votre conseil d’administration,
- Inciter une personne à devenir un nouveau membre du GSSCC (ou renouveler son adhésion)
- Offrez-le à l’une des nombreuses personnes qui aident vos clubs ou conseils, tels que les propriétaires fonciers, les sponsors, etc.
Veuillez le diffuser par l’intermédiaire de votre Club ou de votre Conseil régional et afficher l’affiche ci-jointe dans votre Club house, sur votre site Web ou par courriel à vos membres!
» Read lessJust a reminder that Team Canada Letter of Intent must be received by your Regional Chairperson by July 1, 2023.
This is for both the WUSV Team 2023 and Universal Team 2024.
» Read lessEffective immediately, the GSSCC will accept all DVG titles for sport titles. The titles will not be used for a breeding title( used in a breed survey). A BH/VT that will be used in a breed survey has to be under a WUSV recognized judge,as the same for the last IGP title to be used. All titles in between can be from a DVG judge.
» Read lessThe new rulebook is very close to being completed. This version will be on the website and in effect by June 30.
- With regards to the dumbbell throw, it is to be thrown approximately 10 meters. If the handler's outside foot moves in order to throw, there is no point loss, as long as it does not affect the dog. A 3 second pause must be shown after the dumbbell stops moving, and the handler is in the basic position, before the bring command is given.
- With regards to the back transport, if the dog breaks and makes contact with the helper, Disqualification. If there is no contact, 1 command is allowed to the transport position, and the transport continues. There will be 0 points given for the exercise. If the dog is extremely forging , 2 additional commands are allowed to bring the dog into transport position. If unsuccessful, disqualification.
- With regards to the side transport, if the dog grips the sleeve, 1 out command is allowed with point loss. If the dog leaves the position between the handler and helper, the side transport stops, and only 1 command is allowed to bring the dog back to the proper position. If unsuccessful, disqualification.
For the Director positions, the E vote results are in and incumbents Sarah Barnes and Nancy Wong received the majority votes (official results attached).
Congratulations to all and a sincere thank you to everyone offering to volunteer for us.
GSSCC Board of Directors.
Further to Head Judge Jim Chrisp’s message sent on February 07, 2023, informing the membership stick contact (hits) have been removed from all GSSCC IGP trials.
This rule will apply to all Breed Surveys and the performance test for working-class dogs entering the Showring at the Canadian German Shepherd Dog National Sieger Show.
Best Regards,
Hank Bowden
GSSCC National Breed Warden
» Read lessImportant Message Regarding SV Breed Surveys Abroad
As per the SV, New communications regarding SV Breed Surveys abroad are required.
Refer to GSSCC policy manual Section 18.2
18.2 (a) Coordinate and process all breed surveys. The SV administration will work directly with the GSSCC Breed Survey Administrator. If any information needs clarification regarding a language barrier, the GSSCC German translator will assist in getting clarification.
18.2 (b) All SV breed survey paperwork and all fees associated with the SV survey, along with distribution to the SBV headquarters, will be the responsibility of the GSSCC Breed Survey Administrator.
18.2 (c) Communicate and assist all GSSCC members regarding processing their Breed Surveys as needed. No GSSCC member can contact the SV administration regarding requests for SV breed surveys abroad. You will need to contact the GSSCC Breed Survey Administrator.
18.2 (d) Assist the Breed Committee as needed.
» Read lessThe 2022 Shepherd Sports is now available to read online in the members’ section of the website. Make sure to check your mailboxes in the coming weeks for the print version.
Thank you to all who contributed to the magazine. Special thank you to each of the photographers (Yvon, Dallas, Dwyn, Paul, Laurie, Brian Asmussen & Brian Aghajani). There would be no magazine without each of you.
With the trial season fast approaching, just a reminder to all organizers, competitors, and helpers that stick contact (hits) has been removed from IGP trials. The stick will be used for pressure only.
Jim Chrisp
GSSCC Head Judge
Election - The positions of Regional Chairperson and Regional Show Director.
Please complete as per the information on the nomination form and must be received by the Election Committee Chairperson no later than midnight, March 31st, 2023.
Each candidate will be notified in writing upon receipt of the nomination.
Elections will be conducted electronically using the e-voting system.
East Region Election Committee Chairperson 2023
Angela Day (
» Read lessCongratulations, Darin Clarke, Probation Conformation Breed Judge #1
The German Shepherd Schutzhund Club of Canada board of directors, has accepted the GSSCC Breed Committees’ request to approve Darin Clarke as its first Probation Conformation Breed Judge.
Darin Clarke has fulfilled his obligations and completed all the requirements in the GSSCC Conformation Judges program section 54.
Darin has taken this opportunity and fulfilled all the requirements in the short time of 1 year; his knowledge as a performance judge made it clear very quickly that the paperwork would be immaculate and accurate, along with the speed in which he gets the reports to the training judge and the breed committee allowed Darin to receive approval to move on to his next apprenticeship show in a short time.
All reports written and verbally received from the training judges indicated Darin’s interest in learning the breed, structure, and movement is very encouraging. Darin’s ability to critique the dogs presented before him improved with each event. Training judges reports also mentioned that Darrin’s representation and preparation were very professional, as well as his dedication to the GSSCC and the German Shepherd dog.
Hank Bowden
GSSCC National Breed Warden
» Read lessThree positions on the GSSCC Board of Directors will become available as of August 2023. Terms will expire for President Darin Clarke & Directors: Nancy Wong and Sarah Barnes
Information and nomination form
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Reminder: Effective end of 2022, OFA hip and elbow evaluations will no longer be accepted for Breed Surveys. Please start your process of A-Stamp evaluations early, as it can take awhile to get results from Germany.
» Read lessSneak peek!
The first annual issue of Shepherd Sports is now online in the members’ section of the website. Watch your snail mailboxes for the print version, which should arrive any day.
Enjoy reading Team Canada members’ reports on their time at the Worlds, always insightful, as well as a report on and results from the GSSCC Nationals, both accompanied by loads of photos. And check out the other highlights: the CWDF Nationals; a profile of Jesse Clarke, still a teenager but on track to usher in the next generation of handlers and helpers; and of course, all the regular features, including club reports, 2021 breed surveys and 2021 GSSCC trialling statistics.
With many thanks to all who contributed their time, talents and efforts to making this issue a success. Contact
» Read lessWe are excited to announce that online renewals for individual memberships can now be done through GSSCC 360!
If your membership will expire soon, a message will pop up to follow the renewal process on your first login of the day - or you can click 'renew membership' at the top right. For family memberships, only one family member needs to do the renewal process.
Members can now also print their own membership cards by going to their profile section.
You can now check your membership expiration date in your GSSCC 360 profile.
Club renewals will continue to be done through the website until the club renewal functionality is added to GSSCC 360 (expected soon).
Any questions, let Katty know via email
Bonjour à tous nos membres,
Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer que les renouvellements en ligne pour adhésion individuelle est maintenant disponible dans GSSCC 360!
Si votre adhésions expire bientôt un message apparaîtra pour suivre le processus de renouvellement lors de votre première connexion de la journée ou vous pouvez cliquer sur « renew membership » en haut a droite de l’écran.
Pour adhésion familial, seulement un des membres de famille doit faire le processus de renouvellement.
Les membres peuvent maintenant vérifier leur date d’expiration et imprimer leur propre carte de membre dans la section «member profile » dans GSSCC360.
Les renouvellements de club continueront d’être effectués à partir du site pendant que la fonctionnalité de renouvellement club est ajoutée au GSSCC 360 (prévu bientôt).
Pour toutes question contactez Katty par courriel
Dear WUSV Member Clubs,
We are pleased to inform you that this year’s WUSV World Championship IP will be once again hosted by the Schaeferhundeklubben for Danmark. The venue will be in Randers/ Denmark and the event shall take place from
- September 28th, to October 02nd, 2022
A competition in terms of Agility on the side lines of the WUSV World Championship IP will not be an option this year. We would like to use this opportunity to thank our member club in Denmark for once again meeting the challenge of the organization of our most important international competition, still in times of great uncertainties due to the ongoing pandemic. We are well aware of the hard work and efforts this requires, leave alone the expenses such an event entails.
The event homepage shall be launched within a fortnight. We will keep you informed. Head of organization will be Ms Vivi Gilsager again. Our special thanks go to her as well.
Please inform your club members accordingly. In case of doubt please do not hesitate to contact us again. An up-date of the event regulations shall be published at short notice on the WUSV homepage and you will be informed as well.
Thank you for your kind attention.
With kind regards from Augsburg!
Hartmut Setecki
World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -
Conflict between FCI/VDH and WUSV clubs
Clarification on the outcome of the court proceedings in Germany:
The SV and the non-FCI WUSV clubs won in substance all legal proceedings in Germany. The courts stressed unequivocally that FCI and VDH violated competition law by implementing illegal and anti-competitive rules. As a result, FCI and VDH were forced to change these rules. Claims by FCI and VDH that they won these proceedings are simply wrong.
The courts ruled:
SV judges are allowed to judge at events organized by non-FCI clubs. The FCI/VDH instruction to SV to prevent its judges from judging at non-FCI events was illegal. The underlying FCI/VDH rules are null and void and must not be implemented.
SV is allowed to include non-FCI members of German Shepherds in its studbook provided, of course, that these dogs fulfil SV’s strict criteria for pedigree dogs. The underlying FCI/VDH rules are null and void and must not be implemented. Breeders, their dogs, and their offspring from non-FCI clubs must not be discriminated against.
FCI and VDH seem to have trouble in accepting that they lost the “judges’ embargo” case and the studbook case. However, the judgments and their consequences are clear:
• There must not be any restrictions on SV judges when judging at non-FCI events. They are allowed to judge at non-FCI events and to issue the relevant judgments.
• SV must not be prohibited from entering non-FCI dogs in its studbook. Rather, the courts consider such a prohibition to be a "by object" restriction and thus a particularly serious restriction of competition. It is illegal that breeders from non-VDH/FCI worldwide have not been able to register their German Shepherds in the respective studbooks, even if their dogs meet the strict SV requirements and they are just as purebred as dogs with VDH-FCI-recognized pedigrees.
• Breeders, their dogs, and their offspring from non-FCI clubs may not be discriminated against.
Non-FCI clubs have no intention to issue pedigrees with FCI logos. Any such claims or statements from FCI and / or VDH are simply wrong.
SV and WUSV meet the strictest criteria in the examination of the pedigree of the German Shepherds, their health and character traits as well as their characteristics as working and family dogs within highest animal welfare standards. As a result, not entering such dogs in the SV studbook would result in a clear discrimination. In addition, the SV studbook would leave out some of the best purebred German Shephards. This is clearly not in the spirit of the Rittmeister von Stephanitz.
With best regards
Professor Dr Heinrich Meßler
WUSV/ SV President
» Read lessAll certified trial helpers must sign and return the Oath of Office to the Helper Coordinator Jim Chrisp.
» Read lessMy friend wants a German Shepherd ...
We've all heard this question – but not everyone knows where to send them. Whether they are looking for show, sport, or companion – place your ad in the magazine that folks will hand to their friends next time they hear – “I want a dog like yours.”
Calling all Breeders! Advertising Opportunity
Shepherd Sports is planning a deluxe edition – a showcase issue to highlight and promote the GSSCC and the German Shepherd Dog. It will be a larger issue, full color, and we plan to be able to offer it to people who are interested in the sport but not yet members. This is an excellent opportunity for you to create some lasting advertising that is highly targeted to both German Shepherd Dog and working and sport dog enthusiasts, as well as those who do not yet know that they will be enthusiasts.
Full page, half, and quarter-page ads as well as Business card sizes are available. If you have an existing ad layout – we are happy to use that, but if not, we have talented volunteers who can help you.
We are offering this opportunity at significant discounts to GSSCC members.
Please contact for more information.
Mon ami veut un Berger Allemand ...
Combien de fois avons-nous entendu cette question! Mais ce n'est pas tout le monde qui sait vers où les référer. Qu'ils cherchent un chien de show, de sport ou un compagnon - placez votre annonce dans le magazine que les gens passeront à leurs amis la prochaine fois qu'ils entendront "je veux un chien comme le tien!"
Appel à tous les éleveurs! Opportunité publicitaire
Shepherd Sports est en planification pour une édition deluxe - une vitrine pour mettre en valeur et promouvoir le GSSCC et le Berger Allemand. Cette édition sera plus grande, 100% couleur et nous prévoyons l'offrir aux gens qui sont interessés au sport mais ne sont pas encore membres. C'est une excellente opportunité pour vous de créer des publicités qui vise directement les amateurs de Berger Allemands, et les amateurs de chiens de travail ou d'utilité et de sport, en plus de viser ceux qui ne se sont pas encore découvert cette passion!
Vous avez l'option d'une pleine page, demi-page et quart de page ainsi que la grandeur d'une carte d'affaires. Si vous avez déjà des pubs de faites nous serons heureux de les incorporer, si non nous avons une équipe de bénévoles bourrés de talents qui peuvent vous aider à en créer!
Nous offrons cette opportunité à grand rabais pour les membres du GSSCC.
Veuillez svp contacter pour de plus amples informations.
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Based on the information from the Regions the GSSCC Board of Directors announces the following:
It is quick and easy. You need to have an account with GSSCC360 which is also quick and easy to create.
Event Requests for seminars: please contact the GSSCC person responsible for that program.
Ontario 2021 Call for Nominations
Election is for the positions of Regional Trial Director and Regional Show Director in 2021.
A nomination form completed as per the instructions on the form and signed by the respective parties as indicated, must be received by the Election Committee Chairperson no later than midnight April 16, 2021.
Nomination forms are found on the Ontario Region website at
Each candidate will be notified in writing upon receipt of the nomination.
Elections will be conducted electronically.
Election Committee Chair
Cassandra Levy
» Read lessLadies and Gentlemen:
Dear WUSV Member Clubs:
Please be informed that due to the uncertainties that the Covid 19 pandemic still entails we saw no other remedy but to postpone the WUSV World Championship (Universal) 2021 from the month of June 2021 to later in the year. The event shall take place from October 31st, to November 07th, 2021. The venue will be the town of Lerma in the community of Burgos which belongs to the autonomous region of Castilla y León in the northern part of Spain. For details please refer to
The judges who were appointed for the event remain the same. Details shall be published on the WUSV homepage in a timely fashion.
By the same token, the WUSV World Championship (IP) that was originally scheduled to be held in Finland in the month of September 2021 was decided to be postponed to November as well. Also, the venue was changed since travelling to Finland requires to go either by ship or plane which might turn out to be likewise difficult and unreliable in these times we are currently living at. Thus, it was decided to have the WUSV World Championship (IP) 2021 also hosted by the WUSV member club in Spain from October 31st, to November 07th, 2021 with venue in Lerma as well.
The judges’ availability is currently under review and details will be published on the WUSV homepage in a timely fashion. By the same token, please be informed that a WUSV World Championship (IP) in Finland is planned to be held in 2022 instead of Austria. And it goes without saying that the event shall also be held in Austria at a different time – the schedule hereof is still under review but the planning would be 2026. The pandemic has put our world up-side down for quite some time, now, but we are getting better at coping with this situation and promise that we will get it all sorted out.
We kindly ask for your support in terms of the registration planning. Please let us have a preliminary overview of the teams you are planning to register for both events in Spain and send your answer to the WUSV Secretariat General by the end of the month of March 2021 at the latest. A form for your convenience will be attached for both events. Thank you very much for your efforts.
If further information is needed please do not hesitate to contact the WUSV Secretariat General in Augsburg. Please kindly pass this information on to all of your members and to whom else this might concern.
We are looking forward to hearing from you again and send kindest wishes from Augsburg,
Hartmut Setecki
World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -
phone.: +49 (0) 821 74002–15, Fax: +49 (0) 821 74002–9915
Internet: <>
E-Mail: <>
World Union of the Associations of German Shepherds (WUSV) e.V., street name: Steinerne Furt 71; town & postal code: 86167 Augsburg/ Germany
- represented by the board of directors, which is represented by the General Manager Mr. Hartmut Setecki
Register of Associations VR Augsburg 2404
Seasons’ Greetings 2020
Ladies and Gentlemen
Dear WUSV Member Clubs
There is no doubt – the year 2020 was extraordinary in every sense of the word and calling it a major challenge would almost be a euphemism. As we learned from a number of phone calls and correspondences, many of you or family members and friends were affected by the pandemic and beloved ones were lost. By the same token, places of work and businesses went lost with all the eco-nomic consequences such a calamity does entail.
And the same was true for our club lives and ac-tivities. Many of you had to cancel most of your events, examinations for trial and show could not be taken. Also, our major international events – the WUSV World Championship in Hungary and the Universal Championship in France needed to be cancelled. A decision that was hard on us but we unanimously agreed that not a single life should be lost because an enthusiast visited one of our events. Also, the WUSV General Annual Assembly was no longer possible to be held – first of all because it would have been impossible to maintain the required distance between around 130 attendees and secondly because the authorities in Germany would not have approved of such a reunion, and then again – what would have been the point without the BSZ Conformation Show that was likewise cancelled. In other words – the canine world as we knew it in the past came to an almost complete standstill, and let us hope against hope that next year – or the year there after at the latest – will allow for a little more of a normal life – regardless of the colours this will bear.
But there was also good news to be reported. The legal proceedings against the VDH – the German branch of the FCI – was all the way successful and we could send out judge releases to our member clubs abroad again which are – for whatever reason – not a member to their national FCI club. Thus, facts were created and we now enjoy legal certainty in this respect. Good news was the chance to postpone the deadlines for breed sur-veys as approved of by the SV and which will miti-gate the consequences of cancelled events due to the pandemic at least to a certain extent. Also, I was equally impressed to learn how clubs did their very best to carry on – if only at a very reduced pace. For the time being I cannot give you a clear outlook of what will still be ahead of us but I am confident that we will master this situa-tion with the usual drive and stamina coupled with enthusiasm for our cause.
I wish you restful season holidays, merry Christmas, and a fresh start into a healthy and happy New Year 2021.
With kindest wishes,
Professor Dr Heinrich Meßler
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tabulated by our independently managed service.
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Hello GSSCC Members,
On behalf of the GSSCC Judges Committee along with the GSSCC Board of Directors we would like to announce that Darin Clarke has fulfilled all the obligations of his GSSCC Probationary Judges License and as of Oct 1/20 he receives his Full GSSCC Performance Judges Licence #12 so please join us in congratulating him
Andrea Duggan
GSSCC Head Judge
Great success for the non-FCI affiliated WUSV clubs: The Düsseldorf Court of Appeals confirmed in its final judgment of 7 September 2020 that VDH is in breach of competition law. VDH must not order SV to exclude non-FCI affiliated WUSV members from obtaining SV judges for national and international events. Such order restricts competition and is void. Also, the underlying provisions of the FCI and VDH regulations are null and void. VDH revoked the unlawful order immediately and in total after the judgement was issued. For more details click here
The GSSCC will update you on the next steps that will be taken.
Darin M. Clarke
President, GSSCC
» Read lessGreat news from the IT committee! The new GSSCC website is now live! This website has a mobile-friendly user interface for better display on smartphones and tablets. Pages navigation and content have been revised to provide quick access to the most visited sections. It also provides enhanced security and storage back ups.
Thanks to Brian Asmussen / Asmussen Photography for providing us with outstanding photos for our website.
The committee is making excellent progress on GSSCC 360 and it will be live soon as well.
» Read lessFollowing SV standards and organization, the GSSCC has just appointed its first ever Breed Warden and Breed Committee to assist in the development of the German Shepherd Breed within the GSSCC. The breed Committee consists of:
Breed Warden – Hank Bowden
Show Coordinator- Jurgen Fischer
Head Judge- Andrea Duggan
Breed Survey Advisor- Sandy McAllister
GSSCC Director – Peter Haslett
Congratulations and thank you for volunteering your time to the German Shepherd Dog.
» Read lessDate: Effective August 3, 2020
Purpose: Create healthy and safe trial environment during COVID restrictions.
Object: Provide a detailed plan with responsibilities for all GSSCC members to follow.
Restrictions: Government in the Province/Region where the trial will be held must allow outside gatherings of at least 50 people and allow low/minimum contact sports. If restrictions oppose this, then no trial will be allowed.
People must follow the social distance (2 metres) or wear a mask/face shield
When reporting in and out maintain the 2 metre distance
Articles are not handed over to the judge or track layer
Handlers can use their own dumbbell(s)
Handler will not turn over the stick to the judge
Handler can wear a glove when they receive the stick from the helper and either give it back to the helper or lay it on the ground after they report out
Handler MUST wash their hands after every critique and before trialing in each phase
Committee/Club Responsibilities:
Ensure no more than the maximum number of people allowed by the province are in attendance including all officials, handlers etc..
The club must ensure everyone follows the social distance rule and/or wear a proper mask and/or face shield
They will not sell food or drinks
They must have washroom facilities where social distancing can be adhered to
They must have hand cleaning stations and ample hand sanitizer at the tracking field and field for obedience and protection
They must have a supply of proper masks and/or face shields for all volunteers working the trial.
Ensure the trial manager receives dumbbells from the handler and that the handler has their name on them.
Judge Responsibilities:
It is up to the judge if they want to attend the trial (i.e. flying, staying at a hotel etc..)
Must follow local government restrictions if in place (i.e. 14-day quarantine)
Must follow the social distance rule or wear a mask/or face shield
Will not require the handler to report in or out within 2 metres
Will not take the stick from the handler to give to the helper, the handler will either give it back to the helper or lay it on the ground after reporting out
Will not take the found articles from the handler, will just observe them
When completing the trial summary sheet wear a mask and/or face shield
Trial Manager Responsibilities:
Must follow the social distance rule or wear a mask and/or face shield
Ensure the committee responsibilities as previously detailed are met
When giving the trial paperwork to the judge and when completing the trial summary sheet, wear a mask and/or face shield
Will receive the handler's dumbbells and ensure they are properly marked with the handler's name OR
If a handler does NOT have their own dumbbell the club must ensure the dumbbells are properly cleaned/ disinfected after each use.
Handler Responsibilities:
Must follow the social distance rule or wear a mask and/or face shield
Must wear a mask and/or face shield when within 2 metres of the helper, such as picking up the dog at the helper, disarming the helper, side transport, etc..
A mask or face shield would NOT be required for exercises where no one is within 2 metres of the handler, example such as the blind search
Must wash hands before reporting in and after the critique.
Before the trial begins if the handler has their own dumbbells (all levels) they can use them. Ensure they are marked with the handler's name and given to the trial manager. If they do not have their own dumbbells the club must provide disinfected dumbbells.
Helper Responsibilities:
Will bring their own water or if its provided by the club the outside of the bottles will be disinfected
Can wear a mask and/or face shield if they wish but not mandatory
No spitting anywhere
Can wear a glove as per trial rules
Special restrictions for each phase
Everyone must maintain a distance of 2 metres from each other or wear a mask and/or face shield (when measuring tracking lines, when temperament tests are being done etc..
Tracklayer will scent articles as per rules but wash their hands and sanitize after laying the tracks
The handler will keep the articles after the track and just show them to the judge
The handler will place the found articles in a bag separate from other equipment and then wash/sterilize their hands
The handler can use their own dumbbells
Everyone must maintain a distance of 2 metres from each other or wear a mask and/or face shield (when temperament tests are being done etc...)
The handler will report in and out no closer than 2 metres from the judge
The group must maintain a distance of 2 metres from each other or all wear a mask and/or face shield
The handler will report in and out no closer than 2 metres from the judge
When the handler picks up the dog from the helper and completes the exercise disarming the helper and side transport they will wear a mask and/or face shield
A mask or face shield would not be required for exercises where no one is within 2 metres of the handler, such as the blind search
The handler can wear a glove when they receive the stick from the helper and either give it back to the helper or lay it on the ground after they report out
The helper can wear a glove as per trial rules
Closing Ceremonies:
All awards must be disinfected and placed on an awards table prior to ceremony and handler will approach individually to receive any award. Everyone must maintain a distance of 2 metres from each other or wear a mask and/or face shield.
Affected clubs of the WUSV have secured an important legal success in litigation against the VDH (the representative for Germany in the FCI). The Dortmund District Court has granted a preliminary injunction to prohibit the VDH from sanctioning or threatening to sanction the SV, directly or indirectly for releasing their judges. The court ordered that the VDH may not exclude or threaten to exclude WUSV members not affiliated with FCI from obtaining SV judges for national and international events.
VDH - FCI are accused of abusing their dominant position in the relevant market by threatening sanctions against organizations and judges to prevent them from participating in events organized by non - FCI affiliated WUSV clubs. The injunctive proceedings serve the purpose of enabling us to hold our events with SV judges immediately.
This matter will also be referred for action to the European Commission for a review of FCI - VDH abuse of its regulatory powers. It is another essential step to set a permanent lawful foundation for the operation of the cynological market.
All clubs that wish to engage SV judges should now submit their requests through standard procedures.
Darin M. Clarke
President, GSSCC.
» Read lessThe GSSCC Board of Directors has unanimously approved the following reciprocal helper agreement between the GSSCC and the UScA.
Helper reciprocal agreement between USCA and GSSCC.
(1) All helper's must comply with the hosting club's( USCA or GSSCC) organizational Helper regulations and policies.
(2) Helpers wishing to do helper work in a Reciprocating organization's trial must have:
- Letter or email from the their Helper Committee Chairman stating the current classification of the helper and that the helper is in good standing. This must be turned into the hosting organization's Helper Committee Chairman a minimum 14 days before the event they want to work.
- For club level events: the helper must be classified to work front and back half of club level trials in their member organization.
- Letter from the their Helper Committee Chairman stating the current classification of the helper and that the helper is in good standing. This must be turned into the hosting organization's Helper Committee Chairman a minimum 60 days before the event (for Regional Championships) or deadline of selection submission (National Championships).
- Helper must submit copies of their entire helper book to hosting club's organization's Helper Committee Chairman a minimum 60 days before the event (Regional Championships) or deadline of selection submission (National Championships).
- For helpers wishing to work a Championship event, the helper must submit a video of a trial that they have worked within one year of the submission . This must be done a minimum of 60 days before the event (Regional Championships) or deadline of selection submission (National Championships). The video must be submitted to the hosting organization's Helper Committee Chairman. All helpers must meet the minimum practical requirements and ability of the hosting club's Helper Program in order to be approved to work a Championship event.
To the GSSCC membership:
A lot has been going around about recognized titles.
Please note - The GSSCC recognizes titles from all WUSV countries/organizations and also FCI judges from WUSV/SV affiliate countries. DVG titles earned in Germany under a DVG German judge are the only DVG titles and judges recognized by the WUSV/SV. Therefore, that is what the GSSCC recognizes. No DVG judge or title outside of Germany has or will be recognized by the GSSCC.
If you have an FCI title from a non-recognized WUSV country then you must get a new title under a recognized judge for a breed survey.
If anyone has any questions please contact me directly.
Yours in the sport
Andrea Duggan
GSSCC Head Judge.
Attention GSSCC members- Important information from the SV regarding SV Breed Surveys and dogs being sent to Germany for training and titling.
New requirements to obtain an SV Breed Survey:
1) The Character Judgement (Wesensbeurteilung -- also referred to as ZAP Part 1) is for dogs 8 to 13 months of age. This is now a MUST for dogs born as of July 1, 2017.
2) The ZAP (Zuchtanlagenprüfung -- also referred to as ZAP Part 2), i.e. Breed Characteristics Examination will be for dogs (born after July 1, 2017) over 18 months of age. The trial regulations for this are still being worked on, and this will be finalized and presented at the SV official meeting in May 2018.
Certifications for evaluators for the Character Judgement and the ZAP are done by the SV Executive.
The SV indicates that they are still at the very beginning of this project, there are still details to be worked out, especially with regards to the effect of these requirements on foreign countries. They are requesting our patience as they work things out. They currently can't provide us with all the regulations yet and details are not yet available in English. As far as having evaluators tested and certified in other countries, this is something that is being worked out together with WUSV member clubs. The GSSCC Board of Directors will be discussing what if anything the GSSCC will put in place for this. As more details become available, the SV indicate that information will be posted on the WUSV website.
SUMMARY - to obtain an SV Breed Survey: (as of May 2018, when the ZAP trial rules become official)
- a) the dog must have proof of a Character Judgement (for dogs born after July 1, 2017)
- b) the dog must have proof of a ZAP (for dogs born after July 1, 2017) OR proof of IP01 under an SV judge with a minimum 80 in protection OR proof of an HGH (herding) title under an SV Herding Judge OR proof of an RH2 (rescue dog) title.
- c) the dog must have proof of an AD title under an SV judge (not required for HGH titled dogs)
- d) "a" stamp or appropriate hip certification
- e) ED elbow certification (for dogs born after January 1, 2004)
- f) the dog must have proof of a minimum "Good" show rating under an SV judge
To GSSCC members. The GSSCC Board of Directors asked our insurance provider BLF Canada four questions in writing (in black). The four questions were answered from BLF Canada exactly as typed below (in red):
(1) GSSCC members that do not belong to local club (which they are not required to be) are they covered under our insurance while they are training at various locations? If not, what needs to be done for them to be covered?
~ Yes they are covered since GSSCC do not required that members be part of a club
(2) Are GSSCC club members covered under our insurance when they are training outside of their club grounds? (i.e. at indoor facilities or a soccer field). If not, what needs to be done for them to be covered?
~Yes they are covered
(3) Are minors of GSSCC members in a GSSCC club covered under our insurance if something happens at the club?
~There is no age limit under the policy as long as it follow GSSCC regulation.
(4) Are our GSSCC judges covered by our insurance when they are judging out of the country? (i.e United States).
~ If they are doing the activities on behalf of GSSCC they are covered
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