Trial Manager Program
The Trial Manager program was developed in 2015 and adopted by the GSSCC Executive in 2016.
Teaching Trial Manager Katty Santerre has been appointed by the GSSCC executive to lead the program. She will also liaise with the members, GSSCC Head Judge, trial & show paperwork coordinator and other program coordinators.
All GSSCC trials MUST have GSSCC certified trial managers.
The objective of the program is to:
1. Provide standardized training and certification for Trial Managers
2. Increase the number of qualified and certified Trial Managers through education and testing.
3. Only certify participants to become Trial Managers that can properly and correctly complete all official trial paperwork, which includes all trial summary sheets and scorebooks.
4. To ensure that all trial paperwork and scorebooks submitted to the GSSCC are correct.
Before attempting the Trial Manager certification we would advise that every member familiarize themselves with the trial rules, the trial summary paperwork and judges sheets found on the website under official documents. Talk with your club executive and ask them to show you a scorebook and familiarize yourself with a properly completed scorebook for registration.
At the present time every member who becomes certified as a Trial Manager should understand it is a three year certification. In that three years, they must be a Trial Manager at a club trial, at least ONCE in those three years. If this does not happen, they will lose their certification and will have to re-certify again in the future.
If a Certified Trial Manager submits faulty or incorrect paperwork, sanctions may apply depending on the severity of the incorrect paperwork.
To become a certified trial manager please click here and complete the Trial Manager certification test.
Katty Santerre
List of GSSCC Certified Trial Managers
Trial Managers
Name | GSSCC # | Region | Expiry |