For the 2025 Canadian IGP Championships, the Board of Directors and Judge’s Committee would like to pilot the use of a dual (two Judges) judging system for all three phases of the IGP trial.
The annual IGP Championship awards the Canadian Champion and is the qualifier for WUSV Team Canada. Many international competitions are now using a multi judging system so this would give Canada an opportunity to be a front runner by using a dual judge system for our national competition.
The GSSCC already has a policy to require a Canadian (GSSCC) judge be utilized for at least one phase of the competition so under this dual judge system, the GSSCC judge would judge all three phases.
- Increase exposure for competitors to show under different judges
- Competitors experience multi judge systems in practice for international competitions
- Increase exposure and experience for GSSCC judges
- Reduce event costs as a separate long judge is no longer required
- No additional event costs as both judges are already attending event
Two judges will be used for each phase in the IGP competition.
- One judge must be a GSSCC accredited judge
- One judge will provide the competitor critique
- The judge assigned to provide the critiques for each phase will be determined between the two judges and/or the hosting committee.
- Both judges will individually evaluate and score the competitor
- Before the critique, both judges will confer and add the two individual scores together to obtain the average score
- The average score will be announced during the critique
- The average score will be the final result for the competitor
Review and Outcome
After the 2025 Canadian Championships, the Board of Directors and Judge’s committee will review and assess how the dual judging system worked as well as obtain feedback from competitors, officials and the host committee. If the pilot is deemed a success, a motion for policy change will be presented to the general membership.
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